• Armed Services

    Top-notch training and career opportunities are just the beginning of the benefits that come with military service.  Explore the many possiblities and benefits of a career in the United Stated Armed Forces.

    Army: www.goarmy.com
    Navy: www.navy.com
    Air Force : www.airforce.com
    Marines : www.marines.com      
    Coast Guard : www.gocoastguard.com

    College Applications

    Off to College!

    Planning for college is an exciting and sometimes overwhelming time in our lives.  There are many options to consider in the college search process:  two-year vs. four-year, public vs. private, in-state vs. out-of-state are just some examples.  The key is to plan ahead. We are here to help in any way we can.
    College Kick-Off Presentation

    This September, we will host an evening College Kick-Off presentation, which is designed to provide parents and students with the "nuts and bolts" of the college application process.  Although this presentation is probably most helpful for our seniors and their parents, anyone can benefit from attending this presentation.  
    What is the "Common Application?"

    • The Common Application is a not-for-profit organization that serves students and member institutions by providing an admission application - online and in print - that students may submit to any of our 488 members.
    • If applying to more than one college that uses the Common Application, use the Common Application regardless of what online links the college sends to you.  If a college accepts the Common Application, there is no disadvantage to using it, and it will save you time.  PLUS, using the Common allows for your transcript and letters of recommendation to be sent to colleges online through the Naviance program. www.commonapp.org
    •  Click here to see Frequently Asked Questions regarding the Education section of the Common Application website.
    • You may need the following information:
      High School CEEB/ACT Code: 334570
      Type of School: Public 
      Graduation Date: 06/21/2013 
      Address: 30 Maple Ave, Port Byron, NY 13140 
      Counselor's Title: School Counselor
      Counselor's Name: Tracey PIrozzolo 
      Counselor's email: tpirozzolo@pbcschools.org 
      Counselor's phone: 315-776-5728 ext 1140
      Counselor's fax: 315-776-9824

    NCAA Eligibility

    Information for college-bound student athletes. In order to play Division I or II sports students need to register with the NCAA through the eligibility website.  You set up an account and request your transcript to be sent through the Counseling Office.  
    The link: www.eligibilitycenter.org

    Link: NCAA Eligibility Quick Reference Guide

    SAT & ACT Information

    SAT information can be found at: www.collegeboard.com
    ACT information can be found at www.actstudent.org

    Fee waivers are available to students who meet certain criteria. If you would like more information about how to obtain a fee waiver please contact your high school counselor.